February 2017
IA Collaborative’s Rebecca Gimenez spoke about critical and emerging trends impacting companies in the travel and hospitality space and offered advice on how to become champions of meaningful innovation.
the MMM Program
December 2016
Four Northwestern students picked up the top award from the P.A.C.E. annual forum sponsored by General Motors, HP, and Siemens for their work as part of an international design team.
December 2016
MMM alumnus and Harley-Davidson President and CEO Matt Levatich worked with students to solve a challenge presented by the renowned motorcycle company.
the MMM Program
December 2016
Thirteen students presented their individual thesis projects, efforts that touched on topics ranging from education and healthcare to food and travel.
December 2016
Each graduating student from the Engineering Design Innovation program completed a thesis project with support from faculty and industry mentors. The thesis projects spanned multiple fields of design including product, interaction, service, strategy, and user experience. Browse each student’s final thesis project below.
the Engineering Design Innovation (EDI) program
December 2016
Segal Design Institute celebrated the newest graduates from the MS EDI program.
December 2016
The MMM program at the Segal Design Institute welcomed Josh Lucas-Falk and John Devanney of Moment for an event called “Integrate: Business + Design: How to get the most from your degrees in the corporate world.”
December 2016
Proctor & Gamble challenged student teams to design a new foot care routine. The winning team included Nick Anastasiades, Natasha Singh, and Tom McIntyre from the MMM program.
November 2016
MMM students organized “Hoot for the Homeless,” a fundraiser for Kellogg School of Management students. Proceeds were donated to Connections for the Homeless, a local non-profit organization.
November 2016
Students in "Designing Product Interactions" took a workshop in sound design led by Steve Milton, founder and CEO of Listen. Listen helps clients such as Microsoft, Tinder, Spotify, Virgin, and Audi shape user experience.