Discovering what's next
The Segal Design Institute is part of a larger ecosystem of centers and labs pursuing design-related academic research at Northwestern. We collaborate with the broader research community at Northwestern — and beyond — to expand the research frontiers of design.
Featured Collaborations

Center for Human-Computer Interaction + Design (HCI+D)
The Center for HCI+D brings together researchers and practitioners from across Northwestern to study, design, and develop the future of human and computer interaction. The center is also home to the multi-school PhD Design Cluster, an interdisciplinary group of faculty and PhD students who aim to understand and design the relationships between technology and society.
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Delta Lab
Delta Lab is the first interdisciplinary research lab and design studio at Northwestern focused on design, change, and social impact. Delta Lab faculty work closely with a tightly knit cohort of doctoral students who have access to Northwestern's entire human computer interaction community, which is one of the largest in the country.Learn more
Integrated DEsign Automation Laboratory (IDEAL)
IDEAL develops rational design methods based on mathematical optimization techniques and statistical methods for use in complex engineering design and product realization problems. The lab's work is interdisciplinary in nature, involving close collaborations with experts in mechanics, manufacturing, materials science and engineering, social science, and computer science. Learn moreAffiliated Labs and Centers
Design Facilities
See the Segal design facilities available to researchers across the University.
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