Policies & Safety
No one will operate any piece of equipment without successfully completing training or demonstrating equivalent expertise to lab staff.
- All users must sign an agreement to obey lab rules before use of the lab is granted. Signing the agreement will be a concluding action in any training program. Please see one of the the lab professionals for this agreement.
- Rules for safety, neatness, and cleanliness are posted and must be obeyed by all persons in the lab at all times.
- Persons who do not follow posted rules and safety requirements will be given one formal warning. Subsequent transgressions will result in loss of all lab privileges.
- No one will operate any equipment without approval of lab staff.
- No food or drinks are allowed in the lab.
- No audio devices, earbuds, iPods, etc. may be used while operating machinery.
- Users must attend machines at all times during operation.
- Stop machines for adjustments, measuring, or cleaning.
- No rags or loose items are allowed near moving parts of machinery.
- Staff must be present before certain designated equipment can be used.
- Electrical power to designated equipment will be shut off when its staff are not in attendance.
- There must be at least two people present before any lab equipment may be used.
- Welding may be done with permission only.
- All users must clean up their individual workspace be before they leave:
- Clean machinery.
- Return tools to their proper place.
- Dispose of scrap and return materials to their proper place.
- All lab visitors must wear safety glasses at all times.
- Appropriate apparel must be worn in order to operate the machine tools:
- No open-toed footwear, sandals, ballet flats, etc. may be worn in the lab. The entire foot must be covered.
- No loose clothing.
- Tie long hair back.
- No loose items such as neckties, necklaces, watches, etc.
Accident Protocol
A formal protocol will be followed in response to any accident in the lab.
- If an injury requires the attention of a medical professional or conveyance to an emergency facility or hospital, the injured party must be escorted by a staff person.
- In such an instance, notification must be made to the injured person’s designated family member or equivalent as soon as practical.
- If a student or faculty member is injured, notification must be provided to the appropriate department chair.