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Haoyu (Tony) Xiong, EDI ’25Entrepreneurship, Product Management, UI/UX


Tony believes in creating impactful products by combining human-centric design with intuitive business models. He honed his skills in mechanical engineering, computer-aided design, software development, and product management through various projects and startups that aimed to solve emerging issues in different fields. Tony hopes that the EDI program will help consolidate his passion in engineering, design, and business to affect change in the tech industry.


Visit Haoyu (Tony)'s portfolio >

Why EDI?

Tony not only resonates with EDI's mission of teaching human-centered design to a vastly diverse student body but is also drawn to the highly flexible curriculum and studio culture. He believes that EDI can help him gain insights into different product-related fields and coordinates various resources to create products that can be appreciated by designers, understood by engineers, and loved by users.


BA, Economics, UCLA.


Co-Founder, Kudos; Product Design Intern, System1; Partnership, Sony Electronics.


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