Ellen OwensProduct Design, Consumer Products, Healthcare
Ellen is passionate about designing products that are innovative and impactful. Her background as a mechanical design engineer has shaped her interest in product design and the study of human interaction with products and their environment. Ellen wishes to utilize her technical background and empathetic nature to understand user needs and create innovative solutions that will meet these needs in new and novel ways. While expanding her skills as a designer, she also wishes to develop her skills as an artist while at EDI. Ellen believes that a well-designed product is not only functional and usable but is also emotional and appealing. Ellen is pursuing a career that will allow her to have a connection with the users of her design and to create cool products that people love to use.
Why EDI?
Ellen is a mechanical engineer with a variety of design experience, including two years in the mechanical, electrical, plumbing (MEP) consulting industry. Ellen believes the EDI program will enhance her ability to look at design problems from new angles, ask the right kind of questions, and better understand the needs of users. EDI encourages whole-brain thinking and teaches students a variety of skills that come together to create a well-rounded designer.
BS, Mechanical Engineering, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Summer 2018
Intern, PedalCell