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Riley Nicholson, EDI '26Consumer Products, Design Engineering, Inclusive Design


Riley developed her passion for human-centered design and human variability though the curriculum of her undergraduate engineering design minor and conducting her senior thesis project focused on developing more accommodating airline seating. Her passion steadily grew while utilizing a robust dataset and conducting human testing. Riley believes that by incorporating different perspectives in the design process, engineering as a field can flourish and create true change in designing for a better future.


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Why EDI?

Riley felt that the EDI program wholeheartedly captured her spirit for design. She believes that the program’s human-centered approach differentiates it from other academic design programs, and truly inspires the next generation of design engineers. Riley was drawn to the program’s wide variety of human-centered design opportunities and the program felt like home the moment she learnt about it.
Riley’s previous experience designing airline seating and improving vehicle safety helped spark her love for creating for people. She is energized to expand her knowledge in design and make the world a better place one compassionate design decision at a time.


BS, Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Engineering Design, Pennsylvania State University.


Industrial Equipment Engineer at Parker LORD Corporation; NSF REU Student at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in the Center for Injury Research and Prevention.


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