DSGN 380-1: Industrial Design Projects I
Quarter Offered
Winter : Tuesday 2-4:50pm Hive Annex, Ford 2.340 ; John Hartman
DSGN 243 and either DSGN 240-0 or ME 240-0 and either DSGN 220 or DSGN 320, or Instructor consent. Enrollment is restricted to junior- and senior-level students
Develop design thinking skills while building creative confidence. This studio based course will introduce students to projects that will lay the foundation for a bias toward action, and a deeper understanding of the personal skills and expertise that design thinkers utilize in all phases of the design process. Explore modern design masters and the state of the art visualization methods while developing your own voice in design. Emphasis will be placed on personal growth and design portfolio development.
Learn more about the instructor, John Hartman.
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