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DSGN 350: Intellectual Property and Innovation

Quarter Offered

Spring : Not offered in SP25 ; Dan Brown


Third or fourth year students, or graduate student status, or Instructor consent.


This offering is held every other year and is designed for engineering students (undergraduate and graduate) with an interest in design, invention, and the meaningful expression of creative ideas. It is intended to help students of engineering, design, applied science, and the useful arts explore and understand their critical role in the invention/creative process and ultimately yield insight on the technologist’s role in wealth creation.

After an introduction to innovation from the perspective of economics and strategy, we explore the subject of invention and intellectual property. All issues relating to patents and patentability of inventions, copyrights and the protection of the expressions of ideas, trademarks and source identifiers will be reviewed and analyzed in the context of multiple engineering domains. While these domains will initially be functional (mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, industrial engineering, computer science, etc), we will explore how new combinations of traditionally functional knowledge (e.g. ME+CS, CS+CE, IE+CE…) are the fertile areas of new commercial markets and wealth creation.

Learn more about the instructor, Daniel Brown.

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