DSGN 308: Human-Centered Product Design
Quarter Offered
Fall : Monday, 6-8:50pm; The Hive, Ford 2.350 ; Dan Brown
Winter : Tues/Thurs, 12:30-1:50pm, Ford Hive Annex ; Alex Birdwell
Spring : Monday, 2-4:50pm, Hive Annex, Ford 2.340 ; David Gatchell
DSGN 106-1,2 or DSGN 208, or Instructor consent.
This is a project-based design course focusing upon ensuring that products meet the needs of their users. The course introduces observational methods, brainstorming, rapid prototyping, user testing, business models, and the social, marketing, and engineering concerns that impinge upon products.Students will do weekly project assignments aimed at illustrating the concepts discussed in class and readings. Students will also work in teams to plan, design and develop a product to the prototype stage.
Learn more about the instructors, Dan Brown and David Gatchell.
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