Design Thinking and Communication Featured Projects
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Spring Kickstand
A kickstand the improves the usability of tandem bikes.
Envision Unlimited, a Chicago-based nonprofit serving adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, had a fleet of 30 tandem bicycles with faulty kickstands.
The new kickstand design was created to be more intuitive and easy-to-use, benefiting both the riders and the Envision Unlimited program.

A portable changing table intended for a caretaker to change the diaper of a child with cerebral palsy in a public restroom stall.
A mother of a son with cerebral palsy needed a way to change her son's diaper in public restrooms.
The DuraCot is a functional changing surface that is portable, and intuitive for any caretaker to assemble.

A video game controller designed for patients who have hemiplegia.
A recreational therapist observed that patients with hemiplegia have trouble playing video games with a controller designed for two hands.
A team of students designed a controller by mapping both joysticks to the user’s functioning hand.

A cutting board with a side storage bin that can double as a cutting board when flipped.
A team of students found that home chefs have difficulty using cutting boards due to limited countertop space.
Flip offers a space for the user to cut their food and push the items they are saving or discarding into a bin.

The Alligator Tail
A V-shaped aluminum rail that hooks onto the axle of a wheelchair.
New wheelchair users risk falling backward while learning how to perform a wheelie, a critical skill for navigating in a wheelchair.
While The Alligator Tail is attached, the user will be safely caught if they tip back beyond their point of balance.

Lambs Locker
User-friendly lockers designed for the needs of adults with developmental disabilities
Undergraduate students developed a solution to help developmentally disabled residents at Lambs Farm access their personal possessions.
The students collaborated on an 18-cabinet, nearly hands-free system.

Sensing Stroller
A stroller that integrates electronic sensors to improve safety.
More than 17,000 children under the age of 5 are rushed to emergency rooms annually for stroller-related injuries.
Kids In Danger, a non-profit organization in Chicago, challenged four Northwestern students to design a safer stroller.

Roll N Wash
A wheelchair-activated foot pedal to turn on sinks at the Shedd Aquarium.
The Shedd Aquarium needed a wheelchair accessible temporary hand washing station outside of its stingray touch exhibit.
Student engineers created a wheel-chair activated foot pedal to turn on water at these temporary sinks.

The Slider
A specialized cup for rehabilitation patients who have difficulty swallowing.
Tackling dysphagia after a traumatic brain injury or a stroke.
The Slider is a student-designed specialized cup for patients at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago who have dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing.