Robin SofferAdjunct Lecturer

Contact Info
2010 Sheridan Rd Room 104 EV Evanston, IL 60208
(847) 491 2706Affiliated Programs
Robin is an Associate Professor of Instruction in the undergraduate Kapnick Center for Business Institutions in Weinberg College at Northwestern University. She teaches undergraduate Accounting. Robin also teaches in the Masters of Product Design and Development Program and the Masters in Engineering Management at the McCormick School of Engineering and has taught Accounting at the Kellogg School of Management. Before coming to Northwestern, Robin had a consulting business, helping clients in strategy development, change management and instructional design. Prior to becoming a consultant, Robin was a Vice President at the Quaker Oats Company, where she worked in strategic planning, general management and finance.
Robin won the MPD faculty of the year award in 2015 and 2020. She was named to the Northwestern University Associated Student Government Faculty Honor Roll six times.
Robin is co-author of the textbook, Financial Statement Analysis-A Valuation Approach, published by Prentice Hall. Robin is a CPA and received the Illinois Silver Medal on the CPA exam.
MBA, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Finance and Marketing. With Distinction.
B.S., University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Accounting. Highest Honors.