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DSGN 495-2: Design For Local News

Quarter Offered

Spring : Thursdays, 9:00am-11:50am, Fisk Hall 111 ; Zach Wise


In this class, multidisciplinary teams of design and journalism students will imagine and prototype new approaches to local journalism. The big picture issue being addressed is that without robust local news, citizens will not have the information they need for their everyday lives about their community's government institutions, schools, businesses and neighbors. Students will begin from an extensive user research brief developed with grant funding from the Local News Initiative. In the class, students will iteratively generate ideas, creating prototypes and gathering feedback to hone their concepts. This course focuses on imparting methods, brainstorming, rapid prototyping, user testing, business models, and engineering concerns that impinge upon products that meet the information needs of local citizens. This is the first quarter of a two-quarter sequence. Students who enroll are expected to plan to continue in Spring quarter. Ideas which show the most potential will go on for further development in the Knight Lab and have potential to be implemented at local news organizations affiliated with the Local News Initiative.
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