DSGN 485 : Master Series: Innovation Strategy
Quarter Offered
Spring : Thursdays 6:30-9:30pm, 2nd 5 weeks of the quarter in the Hive, Ford room 2.350 ; Dan Kraemer
This course can only accommodate MMM students.
In this course, you will learn how to quickly get up-to-speed on a real-world company and its current priorities, and apply business and design methodologies to: (1) identify problems worth solving, (2) prioritize and size your ideas, (3) design the business model, (4) determine what to test and validate, and (5) prepare and present your pitch to senior management.
During our 5-week, 15-hour course students will work in teams of approximately five, to identify a new growth opportunity for a real-world company and build the case for why the organization should pursue it.
Understanding an organization’s business needs and the responsibilities of key individuals within the organization is critical. Without this intelligence, it’s difficult to make viable strategic growth recommendation. That’s why each team will be supported by 2 coaches from IA Collaborative who have worked with your assigned company in the past. Their primary responsibilities are to help answer questions you have about the course materials, push your thinking and rigor as you work through your assignments, and help you position your pitch content along the way. They will be available to you each week during class and 30 minutes outside of class.
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