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DSGN 420: Design Communications: Visual Design and Storytelling

Quarter Offered

Fall : Tuesday, 9:00am-12:00pm; Hive Annex ; TBD


Permission from EDI program. For information on spaces available to non-EDI students, please contact Cindy Wells at the week prior to the start of class. Before that time, we will not be able to confirm registration for students outside of the EDI program.


This course will focus on how to translate complex information, extracted from the strategic design process into simple visual solutions. The class will help students create visualization of their ideas and communicate their individual design hybridity. Students who take this class can apply these methods to their future projects, helping them express their ideas to others, by making their ideas more visible, tangible, and real, creating a better emotional connection with their audience. But most importantly, this class will allow students to develop new creative methods in design processes and give back to the design community. Back to top