DSGN 401-3: Human-Centered Design Studio 3, Service Design
Quarter Offered
Winter : Thursdays, 9:00am-12:00pm ; Dan Butt and David O'Donnell
This course can only accommodate EDI students.
This is the final course in the year-long DSGN 401 sequence for EDI students. It builds upon both DSGN 401-1 and 401-2, exploring interaction in the context of experience and service design.Students explore the nature of “service ecologies,” which comprise a set of actors (people and interactive products) and the relationships among them. Students learn to map and analyze existing services and design new ones. Case studies will be drawn from areas such as retail, health, financial, and consumer services.
Teaching methods include lectures, reading, case studies, homework assignments, and projects. Past projects have included designing services for a crowd-funding non-profit organization, creating alternative opportunities for low-income populations access electronic medical records, and designing an app-based laundry service for Proctor & Gamble.
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