DSGN 388: MaDE Capstone Sequence
Quarter Offered
Fall : Tuesday and Thursday, 4:30-5:50pm, Ford Hive 2.350 ; Dan Brown and David Gatchell
Winter : Tuesday and Thursday, 11am-12:20pm, Ford Hive Annex 2.350 ; Dan Brown and David Gatchell
Spring : Tuesday and Thursday, 9-11:50am, Ford Design Studio 1 ; Dan Brown and David Gatchell
DSGN 388-1: This is the first quarter of a three-quarter capstone experience for students in the MaDE program. Capstone courses are designed to take advantage of a student’s knowledge and skills previously acquired through the first three years of the undergraduate curriculum. The first quarter of the MaDE capstone sequence introduces students to a “white space” challenge in which teams use design research tools to uncover unmet stakeholder needs, in turn, framing a meaningful design challenge to be addressed in the subsequent two quarters of the experience (MaDE Capstone Sequence II & III).
DSGN 388-2: This is the second quarter of a three-quarter capstone experience for students in the MaDE program. Capstone courses are designed to take advantage of a student’s knowledge and skills previously acquired through the first three years of the undergraduate curriculum. The second quarter of the MaDE capstone affords design teams an opportunity to design and test solutions that address the white space opportunity identified in the first quarter of the capstone sequence. The most promising solution serves as the input for the third quarter of the capstone sequence (MaDE Capstone Sequence III).
DSGN 388-3: This is the third quarter of a three-quarter capstone experience for students in the MaDE program. Capstone courses are designed to take advantage of a student’s knowledge and skills previously acquired through the first three years of the undergraduate curriculum. The third quarter of the MaDE capstone affords design teams an opportunity to integrate the works-like and looks-like prototypes from the second quarter into a single product which demonstrates competitive advantage over the competition. At the beginning of the class, teams draft and submit a provisional patent which facilitates conversations and co-designing opportunities with professional manufacturers. By the end of the quarter teams will have validated and verified their design and completed a “going to market” strategy.
All three courses require senior standing and instructor permission.
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