DSGN 340 440: Performance and Technology
Quarter Offered
Fall : Mon/Wed, 11-12:20pm, Slippage Lab, Louis Hall ; Thomas DeFrantz
In this course, taught by Thomas DeFrantz, Segal Fellow and faculty member in the School of Communication, students will use basic mechatronics to create compelling movement-based performances.
The course will involve workshop exploration of technologies embedded in performance: robots, media, computer interface. Students will create performance projects and discuss theoretical and historical implications of technologies in performance. Hands-on making and engineering workshops will be incorporated to develop basic skills in technological crafts such as circuit design and fabrication, toward technologically enhanced performance. No previous experience or programming skills required. Suitable for upper-level undergraduates (enroll as DSGN 340) and graduate students (enroll as DSGN 440).
Students will show creative work in each unit of the course.
Required Texts
Digital Performance: A History of New Media in Theater, Dance, Performance Art, and Installation By Steve Dixon with contributions by Barry Smith, MIT Press, 2007
Available online in rental form, or for purchase.
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