DSGN 320: Introduction to Industrial Design Methods
Quarter Offered
Winter : Mon/Wed, 9:30-10:50am, Hive Annex, Ford 2.340 ; Greg Holderfield
Spring : Tues/Thurs, 12:30-1:50 pm , Hive Annex, Ford 2.340 ; Greg Holderfield
DSGN 220 is recommended.
The goal of DSGN 320 is to teach you how to explore design concepts visually. We will learn to do this through methods of design sketching used by industrial designers. The hope is not to necessarily become great artists, but rather learn to quickly and effectively communicate ideas with others. We are going to design things that are disruptive and imaginative in an effort to create the future, and in order to do so, we have to be able to help others see what we see.We will explore the process of generative ideation as fueled by design sketching as well as presentation methods for communicating design concepts effectively. We will focus on user experience, human emotion, form and the use of materials in design and develop multiple concepts across a range of industries. We will also imagine and develop ideas at a range of scales, from handheld products, to large architectural installations. We will also work to develop your unique sketching style and aesthetic.
We will work in a studio culture involving a fast-paced work environment, peer-review, and an opportunity to learn from a wide variety of resources. Reading and exercises will be provided on a project-by-project basis and you will also be encouraged to explore other types of visual communication that you find interesting in the development of concepts.
Learn more about the instructor, Greg Holderfield.
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