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DSGN 306: User Experience Design

Quarter Offered

Winter : Tuesdays, 9am-12pm, San Francisco (Bay Area Immersion Students Only) ; Pam Daniels
Spring : Tuesdays 6-9 pm, Ford Design Studio, Ford 1.230 ; Pam Daniels


DSGN 106-1,2 or DSGN 208, or Instructor consent.


How might we design user experiences which feel “right” and are appropriate to the context of use?  How do we uncover motives, desires and needs and translate those to effective interactions with users?  We’ll explore everything from screen-based experiences to interactions with physical products and end-to-end environment design in this hands-on studio class.  

Prior experience in team-based human-centered design is a prerequisite for this course. Ways to get immersed in this subject include taking DSGN 106 (Design Thinking & Communication) or DSGN 208 (Design Thinking and Doing). This will be a rigorous and fast-paced course requiring you to produce prototypes and work in teams in addition to pursuing your own individual interests related to UX/UI design.

In this course, you will apply the design process to create compelling user experiences, both individually and as a team. You will create several tangible mockups over the course of the ten weeks.  You will learn the techniques and develop the skills to be an effective user advocate and designer across multiple touchpoints of experience.  

This course involves a number of design sprints.  Throughout the quarter, you will share your designs with users, classmates and guests, iterating as you go and ultimately showcasing your prototypes in engaging and thoughtful ways.

Course Materials:
There are no books to purchase, but you should expect to spend up to $40 on materials you may need for your prototypes, and be prepared to procure these materials on your own.
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