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DSGN 208: Design Thinking and Doing

Quarter Offered

Fall : Sec 1: Mon/Wed, 5-6:20pm, Ford Studio 3, Alexis Schilf & Hemant Jha, Sec 2: Tues/Thurs, 11am-12:20pm, Ford Studio 3, Sabrina Katz & Kim Hoffmann ;
Winter : Mon/Wed, 9:30-10:50am, Ford Studio 3 ; Alyssa Brown, Maggie Peng
Spring : Sec 1: Tues/Thurs, 9:30-10:50 am, Ford Studio 3, Sabrina Katz and Mike Saubert Sec 2: Tues/Thurs, 5-6:20pm, Ford Studio 3, Alexis Schilf and Kelly Costello ;




Design Thinking and Doing is a dynamic, project-based introduction to design, structured as a hands-on studio course. Students will learn key methods of design innovation and will work in teams to apply those methods, learning how to uncover opportunities, explore ideas, prototype solutions, and interact with users.  Students are given the freedom to develop specific design skills which suit their interests and contribute to their team projects over the course of the class. At the end of the quarter, student teams present their design concepts, showcasing prototypes in engaging and thoughtful ways.

The course is aimed at sophomores and is a great way for students of any major to explore design. Seniors just looking for some exposure to the design process may enjoy DSGN 300: Designing your Life.

Note: Students who have taken DTC (aka DSGN 106) will not receive credit for taking DSGN 208: Design Thinking & Doing.

Attendance at the first class is mandatory. All sections also have required discussion sections.
Course Materials:
Expect to spend up to $30 on supplies for prototyping.  Any required texts will be available on reserve at the library if you wish not to purchase them. 
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