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Northwestern University

Course Listings

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CourseCourse TitleSummerFallWinterSpring
106Design Thinking and Communication
Please see Northwestern's Course Catalog (CAESAR) for all DTC-1 class times, instructors, and locations.
Please see Northwestern's Course Catalog (CAESAR) for all DTC-1 class times, instructors, and locations.
Please see Northwestern's Course Catalog (CAESAR) for all DTC-2 class times, instructors, and locations.
208Design Thinking and Doing
Sec 1: Mon/Wed, 5-6:20pm, Ford Studio 3, Alexis Schilf & Hemant Jha, Sec 2: Tues/Thurs, 11am-12:20pm, Ford Studio 3, Sabrina Katz & Kim Hoffmann
Mon/Wed, 9:30-10:50am, Ford Studio 3
Alyssa Brown, Maggie Peng
Sec 1: Tues/Thurs, 9:30-10:50 am, Ford Studio 3, Sabrina Katz and Mike Saubert Sec 2: Tues/Thurs, 5-6:20pm, Ford Studio 3, Alexis Schilf and Kelly Costello
220Design Sketching I (1/2 Unit)
Wednesday, 9:30-10:50am; Hive Annex, Ford 2.340
Sabrina Katz
Wednesday, 11am -12:20 pm, Ford Studio 3
Sabrina Katz
Wednesday, 9:30-10:50am, Ford Design Studio, Ford 1.230
Sabrina Katz
230Machining Basics (1/2 unit)
Tuesday, 9am-12pm 5wk1, Ford Prototyping Lab
Bob Taglia

240Solid Modeling (1/2 Unit)
Thursday, 2-4:50 pm; 5wk1 or 5wk2 ; Tech MG47
John Hartman
Thursday, 2-4:50 pm; 5wk1; Tech MG 47
John Hartman
Thursday, 2-4:50 pm; 5wk1; Tech MG 47
John Hartman
241Wireframing and App Design Basics (1/2 unit)

Sec 1: 5wk1 Thursday, 5-7:50 pm , Ford Design Studio, Ford 1.230 ; Sec 2: 5wk1 Thursday, 2-4:50 pm , Ford Design Studio, Ford 1.230
Arvin Dang
243Visual Thinking for Design (1/2 unit)
Tuesday, 2-4:50 pm; 5wk1; Tech MG47, Ford 2.340
John Hartman

295Finding things out: designing experiments, discovering relationships, and making conclusions

Not offered in WI25

297Smart Electronics in Design (1/2 unit)
Tues/Thurs, 9:30-10:50am, 5wk1, Ford Mechatronics Lab, B.100
Nick Marchuk

Tuesday and Thursday 3:30-4:50 pm, 5wk1, Ford Mechatronics Lab, B.100
Nick Marchuk
297TIG Welding (1/2 unit)

Wednesday's 9am-12pm, 5wk1, Ford Prototyping Lab
Bob Taglia & Heidi Huckabay
297Silversmithing Basics (1/2 unit)

Thursday, 9am-12pm. 5w1; Ford Prototyping Lab
Kim Hoffmann

300Designing Your Life (Also PRDV 300)

For specific dates and times of each section, refer to the PRDV/DSGN 300 Listings on the Northwestern Personal Development StudioLab Course Listing Page

For specific dates and times of each section, refer to the PRDV/DSGN 300 Listings on the Northwestern Personal Development StudioLab Course Listing Page

For specific dates and times of each section, refer to the PRDV/DSGN 300 Listings on the Northwestern Personal Development StudioLab Course Listing Page
305Human-Centered Service Design

Not offered in Winter 2025

306User Experience Design

Tuesdays, 9am-12pm, San Francisco (Bay Area Immersion Students Only)
Pam Daniels
Tuesdays 6-9 pm, Ford Design Studio, Ford 1.230
Pam Daniels
308Human-Centered Product Design
Monday, 6-8:50pm; The Hive, Ford 2.350
Dan Brown
Tues/Thurs, 12:30-1:50pm, Ford Hive Annex
Alex Birdwell
Monday, 2-4:50pm, Hive Annex, Ford 2.340
David Gatchell
315Design, Technology, and Research
Friday's 12-2:50pm; The Garage Classroom
Haoqi Zhang
Friday's 12-2:50pm; The Garage Classroom
Haoqi Zhang
Friday's 12-2:50pm; The Garage Classroom
Haoqi Zhang
320Introduction to Industrial Design Methods

Mon/Wed, 9:30-10:50am, Hive Annex, Ford 2.340
Greg Holderfield
Tues/Thurs, 12:30-1:50 pm , Hive Annex, Ford 2.340
Greg Holderfield
321Advanced Solid Modeling (1/2 unit)

Thursday 2-4:50 pm, 5wk2; Tech MG47
John Hartman
Thursday 2-4:50pm, 5wk2; Tech MG47
John Hartman
322Rendering (1/2 unit)

Tues/Thurs, 12:30-1:50pm, 5wk2, Tech MG47
John Hartman
Tues/Thurs, 12:30-1:50pm, 5wk2, Tech MG47
John Hartman
340 440Performance and Technology
Mon/Wed, 11-12:20pm, Slippage Lab, Louis Hall
Thomas DeFrantz

345Computer-Aided Manufacturing (1/2 unit)
Wednesday, 3-6pm. 5wk2; Tech MG47
Michael Beltran

Wednesday, 3-6pm. 5wk2; Tech MG47
Michael Beltran
348Advanced Topics: Rapid Prototyping (1/2 unit)
Wednesday, 3-6pm, 5wk1; Ford SB310
Michael Beltran

Wednesday 3-6 pm, 5wk1; Ford SB310
Michael Beltran
350Intellectual Property and Innovation

Not offered in SP25
Dan Brown
365Bay Area Design Practicum

Thursdays 9am-12pm, San Francisco (Bay Area Immersion Students Only)
Pam Daniels

370Portfolio Development and Presentation
Mon/Wed, 4:30-5:50pm, Hive Annex, Ford 2.340
Andrew Skwish
Sec 1 Mon/Wed, 5-6:20pm, Ford Design Studio, Andrew Skwish; Sec 2 Mon/Wed 2-3:20pm, Ford Hive 2.350, John Anderson & Andrew Skwish
Mon/Wed, 5-6:20pm, Ford Design Studio, Ford 1.230
Andrew Skwish
376Leonardo, Geometry, and the Art of Manufacturing

Friday, 10am-12:50pm, The Hive, Ford 2.350
David Gatchell & Matthew Cummins

380-1Industrial Design Projects I

Tuesday 2-4:50pm Hive Annex, Ford 2.340
John Hartman

380-2Industrial Design Projects II

Tuesday 2-4:50 pm, Ford Design Studio, Ford 1.230
John Hartman
381Digital Product Development (2 units)

Tues/Thurs, 3-6pm, Hive Annex, Ford 2.340
Bridget McMullan and Stacey Wolcott
382-1Service Design Studio I
Tuesday, 12:30-3:20pm; Ford Studio 3
Amy O'Keefe

382-2Service Design Studio II

Tuesday,12:30-3:20pm; Ford Studio 3
Amy O'Keefe

384-1Interdisciplinary Product Design I
Tues/Thurs 3:30-5:20pm, Ford Design Studio 1, Ford 1.230
John Anderson and Stacy Benjamin

384-2Interdisciplinary Product Design II

Monday, 9am-12pm, G.201
John Anderson and Stacy Benjamin

386Manufacturing Engineering Design

Tues/Thurs, 3:30-4:50pm, The Hive , Ford 2.350
Daniel Brown
388MaDE Capstone Sequence
Tues/Thurs, 4:30-5:50pm, Ford Hive 2.350
Dan Brown and David Gatchell
Tues/Thurs, 11am-12:20pm, Ford Hive Annex 2.350
Dan Brown and David Gatchell
Tues/Thurs, 9-10:50am, The Hive, Ford 2.350
Dan Brown and David Gatchell
395Chicago Design Immersion (1/2 unit)

Friday 1-4pm
Pam Daniels, Hemant Jha
395 495Designing with AI
Graduate Students only; Wednesday 2-5pm, Ford Hive 2.350
Liz Gerber
Undergraduate Students only, Wednesday 2-4:50pm, Ford Hive 2.350
Liz Gerber

395Design Objects / Furniture Design

Wednesday, 2-5pm, Ford Design Studio 3
Hemant Jha

395Design Research - Learning to See People and Their Patterns

Wednesday, 6-9pm, Hive Annex, Ford 2.340
George Aye

401-1Human-Centered Design Studio 1, Product Design
Wednesday, 1:00pm - 4:00pm, Hive Annex
Jim Wicks and Helen Von den Steinen

401-2Human-Centered Design Studio 2, Interaction Design

Mondays 1:00pm - 3:00pm and Thursdays 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Tom Quish & Jesse Wilbur

401-3Human-Centered Design Studio 3, Service Design

Thursdays, 9:00am-12:00pm
Dan Butt and David O'Donnell

407Making Things Sustainable

Tuesday, 9:00am-12:00pm, in the Ford Design Studio, 1.230
Sabrina Katz and Steve Carr

410Design Research
Monday, 1:00pm - 4:00pm in the Hive Annex
Jim Wicks and Helen Von den Steinen

420Design Communications: Visual Design and Storytelling
Friday, 9:00am-12:00pm; Ford Design Studio 1
Tran Ha and Amy O'Keefe

434Ethics and Identity in Design
Monday, 6:00pm - 9:00pm
George Aye

425Digital Design and Development
1st 5 weeks, 1st year MMM Section: Tuesdays 2:00-5:00PM; ITW Classroom
Benjamin Block and Jeffrey Cohen

426Whole-brain Communication (1/2 unit)

1st 5 weeks of the quarter, 1st year MMM, Sec 1:Mon/Thurs, 8:30-10AM, OR, Sec 2: Tues, 1:30-4:30PM; ITW Classroom
Steve Franconeri

430Product Management

Friday, 12:30 - 3:30pm
Birju Shah
430Product Management for Technology Companies: An Entrepreneurial Perspective

450Differentiation by Design

Fridays 9:00am-12:00pm
Daniel Brown

455Design Strategy
Tuesday and Thursday 12:30-2:00pm in the Ford Hive Annex 2.340
Greg Holderfield

460Appropriability by DesignMondays, 8:30-11:30am and Wednesday 8/14, 8:30-11:30AM
James Conley

465Master Series: Growth Innovation

Thursdays 6:30pm-9:30pm, 1st 5 weeks of the quarter in the Hive, Ford room 2.350
Baiju Shah
470Curiosity Understanding Empathy
Sec 1: 1st 5 weeks : Thursdays, 3:15-6:15pm, OR Sec 2: 2nd 5 weeks : Thursdays, 3:15-6:15pm; Ford Design Studio 1.230
Gina Fong

474Brand and Design Leadership

Mondays, 6:00-9:00pm
Rick Hoobler April 1, 7, 14, 28 and Ron Clark April 21, May 5, 12, 19, June 2
475Mindful Product Management: How to Discover, Design, and Scale Human-Centered Products, Services, and Experiences
Wednesdays 6:30-9:30pm; ITW Classroom
Mike Edmonds

480Business Innovation Lab
There are no specific days/times scheduled for this class. Meeting times are determined by students in the team, the faculty lead, and project sponsor within the company.

485 Master Series: Innovation Strategy

Thursdays 6:30-9:30pm, 2nd 5 weeks of the quarter in the Hive, Ford room 2.350
Dan Kraemer
490Research - Design - Build
Section 1 meets Monday 6:30-9:30pm; Section 2 meets Tuesday 6:30-9:30pm (Ford Design Studio 1.230)
Greg Holderfield & Martha Cotton

495-1Design Sprints

495-2Design For Local News

Thursdays, 9:00am-11:50am, Fisk Hall 111
Zach Wise
495-0-43Designing Product Interactions

Wednesday, 9:00am-12:00pm in the Hive Annex, Ford 2.340
Craig Sampson & Nick Marchuk
495-38ID for Design Innovators

Tuesdays, 9:00am - 12:00pm; Ford Design Studio 1
Mike Saubert

499EDI Thesis
and Winter :: Thursdays 9:00am-12:00pm in the Ford Design Studio, Ford 1.230
Jim Wicks, Amy Schwartz