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Maggie PoolSenior Product Manager, Amazon

Q & A

How have you leveraged MMM in your career so far?

My experience in MMM has helped me to make a career transition from Retail into Product Management. I rely on the skillset that I gained in MMM to better understand my customers through user-centered research, and to manage the innovation process end-to-end. I have also utilized the MMM network both externally and internally as I ramp up in my role as a Product Manager - I always know the FaMMM is a group that I can rely on to bounce ideas off of and to help me grow personally and professionally.

What advice do you have for a student starting the MMM Program?

The skills that you gain in MMM will be relevant in almost any career path following your time at Kellogg, so invest in the classes and make the most of your time in the program. Also, keep an open mind to alternative career paths and use your time at Kellogg to experiment and test out things outside your comfort zone. Lean on your FaMMM to learn about other industries and careers - they're a great resource!

How did MMM help you pivot in your career?

I wanted to move into Product Management but lacked an engineering and user design background. MMM helped me to build a great foundation in user-centered research and design innovation, and basic exposure to software design, that allowed me to fill those gaps and make the pivot. 

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